Saturday, June 6, 2015

Divorcing God Get Rabate

Title : Divorcing God
Category: Movies

Item Page Download URL : Download Movie
Rating : 1.0
Buyer Review : 2

Review :
Ridiculous nonsense
Most of our founding fathers were NOT christians, and we have documented evidence that some of them even ridiculed christianity. We have personal letters of various founding fathers (Jefferson, Adams, etc.) and even official government documents(1st Amendment, Treaty of Tripoli, Article VI, etc.)that emphatically declare that the US was in no way founded upon christian principles. In founding this nation, the founding fathers relied heavily upon early Greek models of philosophy and democracy, the secular philosophy of contemporary European thinkers, as well as the learned, secular minds of the founding fathers themselves. It was not unusual for politicians to invoke God in their speeches and writings. But you would have to be operating from a quite juvenile understanding of history to imagine that our founding fathers meant for this to be a christian nation. . Even today politicians give lip to God without any demonstrable meaning behind it. A perfect example of this is Franklin...

Why would you list this under Children and Families? Disgusting. Save your crap propaganda for another section, maybe labeled 'Fables and Foolishness'.

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