Category: Movies
Brand: Buena Vista Home Video
Item Page Download URL : Download Movie
Rating : 3.7
Description : This kind of Armageddon works fantastic, simple to operate and also adjust. The price of this wa reduced as compered to other areas My spouse and i explored, rather than far more than similar product
This unique subject Offer surpasses the anticipation, this place has become a amazing upgrade on myself, The theory came properly as well as rapidly Armageddon
From the blockbuster-making team who produced and directed PEARL HARBOR and THE ROCK (Jerry Bruckheimer and Michael Bay) comes the biggest movie of 1998 -- ARMAGEDDON! Starring the explosive talents of Bruce Willis (DIE HARD), Academy Award(R)-winners Ben Affleck (GOOD WILL HUNTING) and Billy Bob Thornton (SLING BLADE), Liv Tyler (THE LORD OF THE RINGS trilogy), Steve Buscemi (CON AIR), and Will Patton (GONE IN 60 SECONDS), ARMAGEDDON is a meteor storm of action-adventure moviemaking that has you on the edge of your seat forgetting to breathe! When NASA's executive director, Dan Truman (Thornton), realizes the Earth has 18 days before it's obliterated by a meteor the size of Texas, he has only one option -- land a ragtag team of roughneck oil drillers on the asteroid and drop a nuclear warhead into its core. Spectacular special effects, laugh-out-loud humor, great characters, riveting storytelling, and heartfelt emotion make ARMAGEDDON an exhilarating thrill ride you'll want to experience like there's no tomorrow.
Features :
- Run Time: 151
- Release Date: 5/16/2006
- PG13
Review :
Armageddon on Blu Ray is no Armageddon.
There are as many summaries of the plot, opinions on the acting, music, portents as there are reviews here so I will only focus on the quality of the actual Blu Ray transfer and my rating is based upon that. Often with technical reviews much depends upon the T.V. and home theater system the reviewer is using and how they see and hear things. My own 7.1 system if quite esoterically high end and the monitor I am using is a Panasonic ZT 65" plasma.
While I have watched the Standard Def DVD many times which was not badly produced at all, the Blu Ray is a significant upgrade. This review, however, is not a side by side comparison, that said, I wish Amazon would please separate the Standard Def, Instant Downloads and Blu Ray reviews from each other. It would make it that much easier to find a review that fits your needs and interests.
Extraordinarily clean transfer with no artifacts that I could see anywhere. Grain did not seem to be present nor...
Relax and enjoy one of the best films of 1998
I don't belong to the apparent elitists who despise Michael Bay's filmmaking because he's entertaining for it's own sake. Michael Bay is what he is the same as Hitchcock directed psychological thrillers or George Lucas directs science fiction. He makes films that are loud, fast, action-packed and quite frankly, fun to watch. Isn't that what movies are supposed to be about?
Armageddon was probably the most (other than maybe Saving Private Ryan) anticipated movie of 1998. I'd rank it in my top two or three of 1998 (The others being Saving Private Ryan and American History X). It's not the next Schindler's List and it doesn't strive to be. It stars Bruce Willis, Billy Bob Thornton, Ben Affleck and Liv Tyler in the main roles. The supporting cast is underrated, well-balanced and fun to watch, from Michael Clarke Duncan and Steve Buscemi down to lesser know actors Marshall R. Teague and Jessica Steen.
Yes, the plot and premise may not be the most believable. But...
Excellent collection of material
The Criterion Collection release of Armageddon is a treat. It offers 2 commentary tracks, one featuring the director Michael Bay, actors Bruce Willis and Ben Affleck. Producer Jerry Bruckheimer has comments on several interesting things. Affleck's commentary is sometimes very funny. The other commentary track features the Director of Photography and special effects people.
The commentary includes interesting details, including background information on the characters and filming locations. Note: The commentary is raw and sometimes laced with profanity, although the movie itself is rated PG-13, for reasons explained in the commentary.
Although it's not much, this collection is also a Director's Cut and has a couple scenes added, notable of which is Harry Stamper's character visiting his father before launch. Some other scenes are cut slightly differently, adding some depth to the story.
The Gag reel on the second disk is extremely funny, raw, and not your typical...
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