Thursday, June 4, 2015

Time Collectors: Return of the Giants Promo Offer

Title : Time Collectors: Return of the Giants
Category: Movies

Item Page Download URL : Download Movie
Rating : 4.0
Buyer Review : 7

Review :
Your time has been collected and you will never get it back
The basic premise is that creation is the truth (though it does not mention which one) and evolution is a lie. Emotionless and weak acting, like this was filmed based on the first rehearsal. Slow and plodding story, including a montage of the entire first half of the movie at the midpoint. Plenty of bible stuff if you are into that.

Could have been an X-Files episode.
The movie could have been an episode of the X-Files with some editing. The movie can be described as mildly dramatic, suspenseful, romantic, and mysterious. The movie also deals with questions about the development of life on Earth from Creationist and Darwinist perspectives. What the aged fossil collector obtains has the potential to call into question some of the established ideas the scientific community at large accepts. There is an example that was not mentioned in the movie but approximates the scenario set by the movie. Recently excavations at a site near Cactus Hill, Virginia produced stone tools that predate Clovis stone tools found at the same site. This gave rise to the controversial Solutrean Hypothesis. The pre-Clovis stone tools bear a strong resemblance to stone tools produced by the Solutrean culture in Europe. This suggests a trans-Atlantic crossing of Solutrean peoples from Europe to North America, during the last Ice Age. The authors of the following book...
Very Good
When it first came out I got two videos, I loaned them out and never got them back. So I went on line and found out there were DVD'S so I bought 3 of them for myself and gifts for family. These mean a lot to me because my grandson Nick Snell plays Brad and my grand daughter-in-law plays Maria. The DVD is wonderful. There were some parts that you had a hard time hearing it. But it was still good.

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