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Rating : 4.0
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Description : Start to see shippers videos This particular Lost: Season 6 - Final Season works great, easy to use as well as adjust. The cost of this became reduced compered to other places I reviewed, and not a lot more compared to related product
This kind of subject Offer surpass the prospect, this place has become a wonderfull upgrade on me personally, The theory appeared properly as well as swiftly Lost: Season 6 - Final Season
Follow the epic twists and turns of LOST as it is time for our characters to finally learn their ultimate destiny in LOST, The Final Season.Lost's sixth and final season drew both raves and criticism from its passionate fans who wanted answers to the series' many loose ends. Executive producers Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse found a way to wrap up some lingering story lines while introducing entirely new ones when they decided to employ a "flash-sideways" plot device, showing us an alternate reality in which Oceanic 815 never crashes (a consequence of the hydrogen-bomb detonation that occurred in season 5's finale). This method allowed some long-gone characters to return (Boone, Charlie, Libby) and even showed sunnier outcomes for some of the survivors' more unhappy pasts (Locke, Hurley). But in the non-Sideways world, the bomb's detonation doesn't change their course, and the survivors find themselves delving deeper into the island's mythology--notably, the yin/yang of the demigod Jacob (Mark Pellegrino) and the smoke monster, a.k.a. the Man in Black (Titus Welliver), as well as some curious denizens of a temple (a subplot that doesn't add much to driving the story forward). As the smoke monster's scheme to escape the island leaves a trail of carnage, culminating in a face-off with that other villain Charles Widmore (Alan Dale), some primary characters meet their end in season 6 while others find the redemption they'd been seeking since the series began. Moreover, some survivors finally find out their connection to the island (and each other) when the two realities start to intermingle, leading to a tearful finale that satisfies and frustrates at the same time (though when it comes to Lost, what else is new?).
While each cast member is on their "A" game, the final episodes really belong to Matthew Fox, who received his first Emmy® nomination for this season. Nestor Carbonell is also a standout in "Ab Aeterno," an episode that finally explains the ageless Richard Alpert. In addition, a few small details are wrapped up in a bonus short, "The New Man in Charge," which serves as an epilogue. Other special features include "The End: Crafting a Final Season," which interviews legendary TV producers such as James Burrows (Cheers, Friends) on the pressures of wrapping up a series. It also shows the finale script being printed out on red paper (so it can't be copied) and delivered to a specially built locked mailbox outside Jorge Garcia's home. Garcia, who plays Hurley, is then seen reading the script for the first time and weeping. "See You in Another Life, Brotha" goes deeper into the flash-sideways storytelling; "Lost on Location" highlights behind-the-scenes action behind specific episodes; the always-hilarious "Lost in 8:15" wraps up the entire series (only through season 5) in eight minutes and 15 seconds; and "A Hero's Journey" is a ho-hum set of interviews examining the heroic arcs of several major characters. Bloopers and deleted scenes round out the bonus features. But with all the lingering questions in the series, it's a shame Lindelof and Cuse didn't add commentary to more than a handful of episodes, because this is one DVD set that sure could've used it (not having any commentary on the finale is near unforgivable). You do, however, learn that the black-and-white stones game played by Jacob and the Man in Black is actually called Senate (hey, you gotta take what you can get). So long, Lost; it's been one hell of a journey. --Ellen A. Kim
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Review :
Why the End of LOST was perfect....
Why the end of LOST not only worked, but was truthfully the most fitting conclusion the writer's could have given us...
LOST is one of the most important television programs in the history of syndicated story telling. Period. Genre-bending, ground-breaking, budget-busting, gloriously epic both in terms of character development and the scope of it's intricately-woven, mystery-laced narrative, LOST is the most unique television show ever produced. This note is me finally attempting to put down in words what the end of LOST really meant, and why it is the most satisfying ending fans could have ever hoped for.
It has been 1 year and 7 months to the day since LOST ended its six-year run on ABC. During that time-period I have watched the entire show over, and had time to really let my thoughts and feelings sink in. I have moved past the point where I believed the show was perfect in every way, and have achieved a new, and even deeper appreciation for what was done...
Epic Fail.
Good Ending, Bad Season, Flawless Bluray.
Well, I'm not gonna debate about the ending of the series, I think it was heavily misunderstood, as a hardcore fan I think it was satisfactory, "what happened happened" and we get to FINALLY see Jack doing what we were waiting for, the faith of most of the characters was satisfactory (with a few exceptions) and we got most answers, not all, which I think was a good move from the writers.
Certainly my problem is with the whole season's flash-sideways, which after seeing the season finale, seems pointless and a little bit of a joke, I wish the season had been way shorter or that we got less flashes and more Island. Also even tough we get a lot of answers, some of them are shown in a very simple or even boring way, the final 4 or 5 episodes are gold, the others, seem like filler to me.
Now, there are no complaints for the Bluray edition of this season, the picture and sound quality it's superb, I tought I was gonna have a hard time watching the episodes which I...
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