Friday, May 1, 2015

Amazing Grace Discount !!

Title : Amazing Grace
Category: Movies
Brand: 20th Century Fox
Item Page Download URL : Download Movie
Rating : 4.7
Buyer Review : 877

Description : Start to see shippers special movie This kind of Amazing Grace works fantastic, user friendly and alter. The price of this wa dramatically reduced when compared with other places we explored, and not far more than equivalent item

This specific item provides exceeded out anticipation, this place has developed into a fantastic upgrade on myself, The theory arrived properly as well as speedily Amazing Grace

From the makers of Ray, AMAZING GRACE tells the inspiring story of William Wilberforce and his passion and perseverance to pass a law ending the slave trade in the late 18th century. Several friends, including Wilberforce's minister, a reformed slave ship captain who penned the beloved hymn Amazing Grace, urge him to see the cause through.

Features :
  • DVD
  • Fox Faith
  • 024543444930
  • 5557794182

Review :
"Amazing Grace" is an exceptional film that chronicles the amazing true story of William Wilberforce, the man who spent twenty years in the British Parliament fighting to end one of mankind's greatest injustices: the slave trade. The film features powerful performances by an outstanding cast, including Ioan Gruffudd ("Fantastic Four," "King Arthur," TV's "Horatio Hornblower") as Wilberforce, whose faith and courage drove his fight for social justice. Albert Finney gives an amazing performance as John Newton, the former slave-ship captain turned pastor, and writer of the beloved hymn "Amazing Grace." Michael Gambon, Romola Garai, Youssou N'Dour, Rufus Sewell, and Nicholas Farrell give outstanding supporting performances.
The rest of the crew does a fantastic job of bringing the world of 18th/19th Century Britain to life. "Amazing Grace" is an amazing film that shows how men of faith can truly help change the world. Amazing Grace, indeed!
Grade: A

There is not much I can add to the previous review as far as importance and story. A period costume piece this film most certainly is not: it's a timeless story of the triumph of good, determination, and perseverance, and a very human telling. Well-written, beautifully scored, finely acted and gorgeously filmed, "Amazing Grace" is a treat for the eyes as well as a balm and inspiration for the heart. I must give kudos to the excellent makeup team - they've done an exceptional job with the entire cast, particularly Ioan Gruffudd (Wilberforce) and Benedict Cumberbatch (William Pitt), both of whom portray men often battling illness and addiction throughout the film. As a former makeup artist I am very impressed with their work, especially with regards to ageing the characters.

The cinematography is beautiful and lush as well, rich with texture and very fine small touches. The colour is gorgeous. Some of the images will stay in my mind for some time! The score - which I...
Absolutely AMAZING movie!
I've long been a fan of William Wilberforce - a man that God used greatly for a great cause: the abolition of slavery and the reformation of manners into the English society. Working at a private Christian school, I often refer to Wilberforce as an example to our students of what God can do with one man wholly committed to Him. In fact, I took sixteen of our students to see the movie when it was released and it had a very profound impact on their lives and thinking -- they saw with their own eyes the struggle of Wilberforce's life, the great cause to which he gave himself fully, and the great joy that comes from a life given in service to the King of Kings.

While I strongly recommend that all Christians watch this movie, parents I'll warn you that the issue of slavery isn't easy to watch or understand at a young age -- I would recommend this movie to middle school students and older, but probably not elementary-aged students.

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