Friday, May 1, 2015

Bazaar Bizarre Big Discount

Title : Bazaar Bizarre
Category: Movies

Item Page Download URL : Download Movie
Rating : 2.9
Buyer Review : 9

Review :
Disturbing despite itself
Bazaar Bizarre is a strange little film. A mixed beast, partially a brutal documentary about a very heinous serial killer, Bob Berdella, and partially a campy festival of BADLY acted reenactments and worse music (it's from Troma, what do you expect?) the movie manages to be seriously disturbing despite its' infinite cheese. The segments of actual interview footage with the police, court reporters, and Berdella himself present a case riddled with problems--not least homophobia and a nonchalant attitude toward the disappearences of male prostitutes--and Berdella himself one of the most cold, unsympathetic characters one could interact with. Against this chilly backdrop, we get occasionally laugh-out-loud reenactments with B-movie acting, copious nudity, poor special effects and the omnipresent Terrible Music. It shouldn't work, but somehow it does. At the end, you'll ask yourself what the hell you just watched, but it's still worth watching. There's a lot of food for thought in...
Needs to be edited 50% down to a normal movie.
There's a normal documentary in here somewhere, but there's so much weird padding and prurience mucking up the ediing, I just gave up about a quarter in. And, there's some unnecessary frontal nudity of an injured, terrified young man that's pretty darn disrespectful to the victims and their survivors. And, why the band (who, no doubt, are someone's brother-in-law's buddies or something) keep showing up is beyond me...

sex crime story and that's why mags like True Detective
This thing appeals to the voyeurist in all of us. Some more than others, but everybody likes a sick, perverted, sex crime story and that's why mags like True Detective, the tabloids like National Inquirer, UTube, and other sensationalist productions like Ripley's, "Believe It or Not" have been around for a long, long time. People love a train wreck, hang around fires, will stand on streets for hours watching some poor devil threaten to jump from Hotels and High Rise Buildings. The lurid, freaky and strange attract us humans like flies to a dead body or decaying hunter's kill! We, as a species can't admit it, but it's true we love blood, gore and the disgusting spectacle. That's the appeal of Mr. Elroy's journalistic bent and he knows that better than many and has made beaucoup bucks marketing it!

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