Monday, July 13, 2015

The Brownian Movement Get Rabate

Title : The Brownian Movement
Category: Movies

Item Page Download URL : Download Movie
Rating : 2.7
Buyer Review : 27

Review :
Is It Infidelity? Or Is It Science?
According to Yahoo!, a Brownian Movement is defined as “the random movement of microscopic particles suspended in a liquid or gas, caused by collisions with molecules of the surrounding medium.” Now – being perfectly honest – I never was all that good at science, but the above doesn’t take a whole lot of imagination to understand. Basically, what you have are particles bouncing off one another for whatever the reason, and in a respectably surreal way writer/director Nanouk Leopold’s aptly titled motion picture tries to present one visual example of this phenomenon. For what it’s worth, I suppose it works; it just isn’t all that interesting.

(NOTE: The following review will contain minor spoilers necessary solely for the discussion of plot and characters. If you’re the type of reader who prefers a review entirely spoiler-free, then I’d encourage you to skip down to the last three paragraphs for my final...
False advertisement by Amazon Prime. Indie Crush destroyed another movie by their editing
It's sad that Amazon continues to use Indie Crush. Any movie that they distribute is badly edited for content and nudity. This movie may or may not have any value, but professionals paid for and were paid for this production. With this in mind, their work deserves to have the whole movie shown. Very simply, if you can't show the entire movie don't show this horrible edited version. I really don't understand how Amazon can advertise these movies, when they are nothing like the originals. Clearly its false advertisement, because most of the time the resulting mess is nothing like the original. This movie was part of my Amazon Prime membership. Therefore I would expect them to show the entire movie. I think as a Prime member I deserve to make my own decisions on movies, not to have to see edited messes like this.

Sandra Huller gives a great performance.
The leading lady Sandra Huller gives a superb performance. She has a very compelling presence, and I hope to see her in more movies. However, it seems that about 70% or more of this film is watching as Sandra is lost in thought, and we have no way of knowing what her thoughts are, so the movie made no sense to me. No story basically. If not for the reviews I would have no idea what the basic story line is. The viewer is left with no idea what her motives are. And the actor cast as her husband seemed to me to be badly cast, in that he did not look nor act in a way that gave me the sense that they were a couple; he looks more like a pretty boy model, and just does not look like a marriage match to her. He did not come across as any kind of intellectual either, which would be more of a match to her character. It just did not strike me as a believable match. I thought I might read the book this movie was made from, in order to learn what the movie is about, but apparently no such...

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